Abstracts are not required for conference registration and attendance, however they are strongly encouraged and are required if you wish to be considered for registration scholarships and travel awards, posters and selection of oral presentations.
[NOTE: To apply for a registration scholarship and/or travel award, or to review eligibility, please visit the SCHOLARSHIPS page.]
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) and considered for selection of a 15-minute oral or poster presentation. Only a limited number of oral and poster presentations will be offered, however all submitted abstracts will be published in the conference program. Abstract review criteria are provided below.
Presenting authors are responsible for submitting their abstracts. Presenting authors may only submit one abstract for consideration.
Abstract Submission
Submit your abstract
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 3, 2016
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline: July 1, 2016
Preparation Guidelines
Should contain the following components:
- Title, Authors/Affiliations, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion
Should not contain tables or figures.
Must be submitted in English.
Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words in length. The abstract title and author names/affiliations are excluded from the word limit.
The title should be short and concise while describing the content of the abstract. The title is limited to 30 words.
Author names should be presented using initial(s) for the first and middle names followed by the full last name. The presenting author should be listed first.
AB Author1, CD Author2 and EF Author3
Author affiliations should be presented as follows:
1 AB Author Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country; 2 CD Author Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country; 3 EF Author Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country
1 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA; 2 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; and 3 Sangamo BioSciences, Richmond, CA, USA.
Describe what is known/unknown about the subject, and what the study intends to investigate (hypothesis).
Describe what experimental methods were used to generate the results, and how.
Provide a summary of your research findings.
Provide a summary of your relevant findings and their implications to the field.
Abstract-Driven Posters, Oral Presentations
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the SOC for selection of poster or oral presentations. A limited number of poster and oral presentations will be selected.
Presenting authors can choose to opt out of consideration for an oral presentation during the Abstract submission process, if they desire.
Criteria for Abstract Review
- Relevance to the meeting topic: Cell & Gene Therapy for HIV Cure
- Significance of the scientific question and results
- Style
- Organization (e.g., the abstract has a clear beginning, middle and end)
- Grammar and spelling
- Clarity of scientific presentations
- Clear question or hypothesis
- Sufficient background
- The experimental approach and rationale for the approach are clear
- The results are clearly presented
- The interpretation and conclusions are reasonable and logical
Poster preparation and oral presentation guidelines will be provided upon notification of presentation selection.
** Late Breaking Abstracts will be considered for presentation at the discretion of the SOC.
Please email: info@CGT4HIVcure.org